I have fallen out with Egg. This is not unusual. I fall out with most providers of financial services from banks to insurance companies. I fall out whenever I believe that I am being treated unfairly. This time it is Egg. Egg would like to charge me £16 for a late payment fee. Egg feels that they are justified. In essence I sympathise with them. The problem is that the dispute will cost them my permanent custom. I will move my credit card needs elsewhere. Secondly, Egg is now owned by Barclaycard. So as a result of my ire I intend close both my Egg and Barclaycard accounts. I have been with Barclaycard for 35 years.
When Egg was bought by Prudential, they paid approximately £500 per account holder. To quote Compare the Meerkat, the maths is simples. My loss of custom is perhaps worth £1,000.