25 November 2008

The Great Labour Rip-Off

Welcome to the land of the Great Labour Rip-Off. Yes, we're finally getting the socialist tax regime we deserve. After 11 years of pretending they were business and entrepreneur friendly we are now getting the traditional Labour tax treatment.

For those who haven't fully digested yesterday's news, presented by Alistair Darling as an answer to the recession, many sections of the population are heading for a 60% plus rate of marginal tax.

Changes to National Insurance (NIC), tax thresholds and the imposition of 45% top rate of tax, will mean people at both ends of the income spectrum will have see less than 40p from each additional £ they earn. This is Scandinavian levels of taxation without the Scandinavian level of public services. I know, I used to live there.

During the early 1990s I was a higher earner living in Denmark, which had a top tax rate of 62%. Interestingly, this top rate included local income which was effectively the rates - now council tax. On top of this all my mortgage interest (and any other loan interest) was tax deductible. Secondly as a family, we claimed £120 per month per child in family allowance. When all the calculations were made my effective taxation rate was less than 30% of total income - and I was earning £65k a year in 1992, equivalent to say £150k now.

When everything was weighed up I was paying about the same net level of tax as I would have done under the then UK regime of John Major. But living in Denmark meant a World Class health system, clean streets and low crime. Soon, in Gordon Brown's socialist dystopia, you will have marginal tax rates of over 60%, with council tax, water rates, prescription charges, parking charges at your local hospital combined with third world levels of public services. How have we got here?

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